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Frequently Asked Questions

Food and drinks

Do you have any allergies and/or dietary requirements that we should take into account? You have the option to let us know in the registration form during registration. Don’t forget to tell us what type of allergy it is (allergy or intolerance). Have you already registered and not passed this information on? Send an email to Our organising team, together with our catering team, will ensure that you receive suitable alternative meals.

It is not permitted to order food or drinks yourself during IntroABEL. The organisers ensure that sufficient meals and snacks are offered. You are allowed to bring packaged snacks (such as energy bars or cookies) or a plastic bottle of water.

During IntroABEL you can pay with PIN, cash or credit card.


Yes indeed! Send an email to

If you have questions about the introduction week, send us an email: You can also send us a DM on Instagram.

You are not permitted to take photos or videos for promotional purposes during IntroABEL, unless otherwise agreed with the organisers. Taking photos or videos for personal use is permitted. We take photos and videos ourselves, which will be published on our social media channels after the introduction event.

That depends on many things. Do you immediately put your egg in the water? Or only after it has started to boil… Was the egg in the refrigerator before you put it in the water? Or was it at room temperature…? Many questions. Here are some tips.

If you boil an egg (m) with cold water (time from when the water boils):

  • Soft egg 3 minutes
  • Semi-soft egg 4-5 minutes
  • Hard egg 7 minutes

If you place an egg (m) in the water from the moment the water boils:

  • Soft egg 3-4 minutes
  • Semi-soft egg 5-6 minutes
  • Hard egg 8 minutes

It remains a matter of trying, because:

  • Very fresh egg? 1 minute extra
  • Egg straight from the fridge? 1 minute extra
  • Large (L) or extra large (XL) egg? 1-2 minutes extra
  • Small (S) egg? 1 minute less

However, if you ever want to cook an ostrich egg, it will need to cook for about 90 minutes… Just so you know.

Safety and houserules

NIX18 applies during IntroABEL, this is a national rule regarding the consumption of alcohol under the age of 18. It is prohibited for participants/visitors under the age of 18 to purchase, accept or consume alcoholic beverages.

Smoking is only permitted in designated areas. This also applies to e-cigarettes. NIX18 applies. It is prohibited for participants/visitors under the age of 18 to smoke.

Possessing, trading in or using soft and/or hard drugs is strictly prohibited during IntroABEL. In the event of a violation, security will be alerted and the study coach and/or programme coordinator will be informed. The police will also be alerted when participants are found dealing in soft and/or hard drugs.

Only participants of the introduction week, guests/partners invited by the organising team or suppliers have access to the IntroABEL introduction location. This rule is enforced by the organisers.

Have you registered for a Dutch-taught course? Dutch will then be spoken in your class and you will generally (but not exclusively) attend programme components in Dutch. Are you going to do an English-taught course? Then you communicate in English within your class and the programme components will be offered in English. Because Breda University of Applied Sciences is an international university of applied sciences, English will also be spoken during the Dutch introduction event.

Yes, the introduction location is accessible to people with disabilities. There is an accessible toilet available on both the BUas campus and the introduction location. We also provide paved walkways on the site.


Intro ABEL welcomes all students who are new to Built Environment and Logistics! So, this includes exchange students, entry students, etc. Be welcome!

IntroABEL absolutely does not involve any hazing! The programme is about having fun, getting to know each other, and team building. The introduction week is organised by staff and students of Breda University of Applied Sciences who have your safety as their top priority.

Participation and registration

By clicking on the purple ‘REGISTER’ button you will go to the registration page. Here you fill in the questions asked and if everything went well you will receive a confirmation email at your BUas email address.

Remember! To attend the introduction week, you must be a registered BUas student.

You will receive your student number in an email from Breda University of Applied Sciences. This will be sent to you as soon as you meet the necessary registration requirements. The email will be sent to the email address you entered in Studielink. This email also contains the password with which you can log in, for example, to your student email ( or to

The intro week costs 160 euros. It includes the following:

  • Your own IntroABEL shirt
  • Dinner for the whole week
  • Lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
  • Overnight stay on Wednesday night
  • Breakfast Thursday morning
  • A week filled with memories, fun activities and great parties!

Remember: the costs do not cover drinks, extra snacks and other things you want to buy yourself.

As soon as the preparations for the 2024 intro are underway again, more information will be available online as soon as possible.

To attend the introduction week, you must be a registered BUas student.

Please note: your Buas registration must be completed on time.

Send an e-mail to

Packing list

As soon as preparations for the 2024 intro are underway again, more information will be available online as soon as possible.

Participation in IntroABEL is not mandatory but is strongly recommended by Breda University of Applied Sciences. The introduction week is the start of your student life and ensures that you get to know your classmates and fellow students and start your studies well prepared.

No, it is only possible to register for the full IntroABEL programme. If you arrive later at the introduction or have to leave the introduction earlier, the full costs of participation (€160.00) must still be paid.

It is not possible to leave IntroABEL early and return later. If you choose to leave the introduction early, further participation will no longer be possible. The organisers of the introduction event can make an exception if special circumstances are involved. These must be reported to and approved by the organisers before the introduction event starts.


The introduction will start on the campus of Breda University of Applied Sciences on Monday 26 August 2024. We will stay in Breda on Monday and Tuesday, on these days you are supposed to have your own place to sleep or to sleep with friends. We will leave the campus on Wednesday morning to spend the rest of the day and night at our introduction location. We will end the introduction week back in Breda on Thursday 29 August.

We will ensure that there are facilities available where you can charge your mobile phone free of charge. We do recommend that you bring a power bank to the introduction event.

You have to come to the BUas campus, because that’s where we start. The address is Monseigneur Hopmansstraat 2, 4817 JS Breda.

When travelling by public transport, it is best to take bus number 7 or 8 from Breda Station at bus stop U and after 5 minutes you can get off at bus stop St. Ignatiusstraat. Then you will find youself standing directly in front of BUas and you have found IntroABEL!

If you are dropped off by car, a Kiss and Ride is open on this day in the BUas car park on campus. Traffic controllers will be on site to point you in the right direction. We do not recommend coming by car yourself, as there is no opportunity to park your car on the BUas campus during IntroABEL.

No, you do not need a bicycle during IntroABEL.